The Fourth Law… coming soon

characters, New Ideas, writing

My  most esteemed colleague has completed the final cover art for my novel.  Good enough for the critical eye of my wife, good enough for me!

There may be one last minor textual revision… the Gods of Copybook Headings tend to hide where you least expect them.  However, I’m pleased enough with this version.  Has anyone every really read the first Harry Potter book?  Will I be called a racist if I pointed out that it was awful?  Grand ideas, but awful writing.  I feel that about my own work; it reads like the Gospel of Mark:  bare bones, no description, aching for more.  That’s what happens when you’re weaned on Visual Novels with a great artist to show your images.  I shall try to older next time.

Next time?  Of course I’m writing another!  What’s the point of a cliff-hanger if you don’t jump off of it!  Callie and her little son, Gary, with his most peculiar friend.  Lily, android Fausta, and Orloff setting out across country (yes; the horse’s name is Clyde) to find her.  The secret society of lightning; the open society of machine civilization… where’s the world going? won’t somebody tell me? are we all one?

Somewhere, back on Lily’s Path, in her tee shirt covered by blue jean overalls, Henge thinks… “I’ll help them…big sisters; big brother!”  Who will play this wild card?  Missiles fall in Memphis; a reactor fail?

I’ve no idea.

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